Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Best D&D Adventures you have never heard of: Stonehell

Image result for Stonehell

What's that you say? You want to run a megadungeon and you have not prepped at all...well....we can fix that....here is Stonehell by Michael Curtis. This megadungeon is a master class in ease of use at the table. On one page you'll find the map for the section of the dungeon, on the other you'll find the room descriptions and encounters for that section. The levels of the dungeon broken out into quadrants, this is legit a megadungeon the DM could quickly pickup and hop into the action with minimal prep.

But the product is not just easy to use, it is really really good....tons and tons of factions within the levels, lots of items and room goodies for the players to interact with, and a fantastic story and subplot that encompasses the dungeon.

The basic premise is that an over-reaching ruler, in all his wisdom oversaw the construction of massive prison to contain the criminals and those who would oppose his rule. As the cells filled over the years, they continued to dig deeper and deeper creating a massive subterranean complex. For hundreds of years, Stonehell housed these poor souls, entire generations of families living out their existence within the halls of Stonehell. When the gates were finally opened and prisoners set free, darker forces moved in to occupy those haunted and troubled halls. Just how deep does the prison go and what treasure and relics were left behind? 

I'm a huge fan of this megadungeon and it is by far one of the best produced. Here if you're interested, you can find it in pdf and print on demand here:

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